How much should I charge for a Quest as a creator?

Short answer: 1USD per hour of content per Average CCV. Long answer: It depends!

Offering a bid for a Quest is very important. Your bid amount can be the difference between a company working with you or not. But how much should you charge? 

Keep in mind, that your bid is a total amount. Lurkit does not preform calculations to determine what your payout will be. The following calculations are for your personal use only to figure out how much you should make your bid!

As a baseline, simple metric, you can use the equation: Rate = $1 * hours * CCV.

If you want to do a 30 minute video and you have a CCV of 10 viewers, that would be $1 times 0.5 hours, times 10 CCV. 
1 * 0.5 * 10 = $5.

Someone who has a CCV of 125 and wants to do an hour stream can charge the following:
1 * 1 * 125 = $125.


Remember, this is a basic way to get an idea of how much to charge and make your bid for. There are other factors that can change how much you charge for a Quest. 

Your Reach

The amount of followers can lead you to overcharging a bit or having to undercharge. If you are not pulling a lot of viewers or see that you aren't getting accepted into any Quests, you can increase the amount of hours you'll cover, or lower your rate so companies will take your bid. 

Conversely, if you know your network and audience is very strong, you can increase the amount of USD per CCV to get bigger deals. Maybe you have a lot of viewers on Twitch AND on YouTube, with a large social media following. Keep in mind, what you charge is up to you and whether or not it is accepted will be up to the developers/publishers. 

Your Audience

If you play a lot of platformer games and know your audience is super into platformers, then you could increase the amount of USD per CCV if you're bidding for a platformer type Quest. This applies to all genres. If your audience would be a good fit for the type of game, then it makes sense that your video will be more valuable! 

Success Rate

Depending on your bids, you might want to play around with the bid offer to see what works best for you. Sometimes a lower bid can result in more Quests, whereas a higher bid can result in fewer Quests, but more money per Quest. It really depends on your individual progress and finding the right number. It is also important to keep in mind that each company is different. One person can think one bid is too high while another might think it is just right or even would pay you if you bid higher! 

As you complete more Quests, you will get a feel for how they work and how much to charge. Hopefully this article was a good starting point for how much to bid. Good luck out there!