How to Submit Content

Learn how to Submit Content to Campaigns and keep your Campaign Completion Rate up!

When you get a key on Lurkit, you are expected to make content for the game either a video or stream.

The deadline for your Campaign submission will always be 30 days after you have accessed your Key Kit.

Once you've made this content, to keep your Campaign Completion Rate (CCR) up at 100%, you'll need to submit content for the Campaign. 

First, go to the Active Tab in the keys section. 


Then, find the Campaign you've made content for. You will see a Submit Content button in the row. 


This will open up a module that has a list of your most recent streams/videos. 


Click the checkmark on the right streams/video you made for the game and hit Submit Content and you'll be good to go! 
If you don't see your content in this list, make sure your video is public. Also, it can take up to 24 hours for the Lurkit database to update your most recent content! 

After 48 hours, if all goes well, your content will be approved!  

Creators that redeem a significant amount of keys without submitting content will have a low CCR, diminishing their Campaign offers and even causing their accounts to be suspended in severe cases!